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Exciting Changes Ahead: Big Update

We have a very big and exciting update to share with you.

Over the past few months, I have been publishing many of my AI insights and experiments on Substack.

One of the things that LLMs are exposing is the role that psychology and bias play in creating and interpreting information.

Information isn’t passive. It’s some unimportant artifact that doesn’t act on the world.

Information is active; it literally moves people and machines to action. It is the technology that uses bits to move bytes.

And with people, “information doesn’t enter the mind intact like a puzzle piece slotted into a jigsaw. Instead, it becomes distorted to fit the shape of its container, like water entering a water jug” Gurwinder.

Understanding how information enters the mind and shapes our world is becoming essential for anyone who wishes to create Ethical AI tools that do just that.

To this end, I am creating deep dives into understanding human psychology.

To make this topic even more universal and relevant, I will focus on how it applies to your life and AI.

Lastly, I am changing the newsletter structure to make this type of content more useful and relatable.

Here is what you can expect going forward:

Monthly Deep Dives

Each month, I will publish at least one deep dive into a complex topic like Bias, Ethics, etc.

Weekly Newsletter

Leading up to that deep dive, I will send a weekly newsletter that breaks the topic into bite-sized insights and experiments.

These emails will be quick, skimmable, and designed to give you the most wisdom per word.

Here is the Structure: e.g., Theme: Bias

3 Insights or Ideas2 Quotes1 Practice / Tool / ExperimentQuestion of the WeekCommunity Thread

Each email in the monthly sequence will peel back the union. Finally, the Deep Dives will tie everything together.

When is this starting? We are planning on launching in June.

In the meantime, we are collecting data from you on the topics you are most interested in.

Below are a few quick polls that will take less than 2 minutes to complete.

Please let me know which topics interest you most.

>>> Poll: What Types of AI Experiments

>>> Poll: Psychological Content

Please let me know which topics interest you most.

Thank you


Exciting Changes Ahead: Big Update was originally published in Chatbots Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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